Monday, October 30, 2006


It took almost a whole week for me to be to a point where I could sit down and write a little bit, but here I am! We are slowly but surely getting unpacked and settled in our new home. As I unpack boxes I am wondering how we ever fit into our apartment. I am filling this house quickly, and there is still a lot in the garage.

Ezra is getting more comfortable here, which is good. Until today he hadn't napped in a week, and it was taking a toll on both of us. He is really enjoying having some space to play.

It was hard to keep him contained in the apartment, and I am very glad to be here on days like today. It has been 20* all day, and the wind is blowing at around 35 mph. The overnight high is supposed to be 14*. The weather folks are predicting this will continue all week. Another reason I'm thankful we moved this past weekend....

As usual, Wyatt is just as happy as can be. He is still at the point in life where he is adaptable and doesn't even know it. He has been working on sitting up today, which makes me sad. He's getting big too quickly. To tell the truth, he wasn't sitting up so much as balancing on his belly. Really, when you're that cute, who cares?!

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