Monday, October 23, 2006

Now There's The Uncle You Gotta Watch Out For...

I took this picture this morning when I found Ezra telling Wyatt about the pictures in his photo album. I'm not sure what he was saying, but they were very sweet together.

My mom made Ezra a photo album with pictures of all the family, and he packs it around with him all the time. I thought it was great that he was showing his little brother.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea!!!! Do you mind if me and the kids put something together for him like that about this kooky side of the fam. Then when we do see him again it won't be such a scary thing?

The Big Red Dogs said...

Why would I mind?! That would be great! If yuo'd ever update your blog, I could show him those pictures........

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad he likes it!! Mom

Anonymous said...

ofcourse me wanting to put one together and actually doing it is 2 totally different things.....

Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest picture i have ever seen!!!!