Saturday, October 06, 2007

Burn Unit

Since I'm a stellar mom and what-not, last weekend I was not in the kitchen with Ezra for oh, I'd say 4 minutes, and he got burned. He grabbed the coffee pot off the counter and blistered his little fingers. As I've mentioned before he gets a little dramatic when he's hurt. He sat on my lap and screamed bloody murder for almost an hour and a half. Let me tell you, that will wear on your nerves! Fortunately that was the end of it. The blisters wore off and hes back to his old silly self.
He is a little bit cute when he gets sad....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest burn patient I've ever seen. Hmmm... except for the little girl that touched the stove to see if actually was hot. Now do you believe me!?!