Monday, November 06, 2006

Yum! Cotton!

I've posted plenty of pictures of Ezra being chubby, well, this is how it happens. There was peanut butter on his shirt. So he tried to eat the shirt. We're fortunate not to have a picky eater. He's got about two things he doesn't like, and they aren't something that he'll die if he doesn't eat. Jello, which if you ask my dad is like eating scabs before they are crusty.... and mushrooms. That one is Ben's little quirk. They both pick out the tiny pieces from cream of mushroom soup, and nobody's ever even told Ezra that they were icky. I guess he's just observant. When he was little(er) and every time he put a bite in his mouth would say "Yum!" you could hand him a mushroom and he'd pop it in his mouth, gag and say "Yum!" while he was spitting it out. At least he's mostly polite.

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