Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Farmer Tad Move Over. Big John's On The Way

Here is a testament to my lack of photography skills. Wyatt was super cute, but in the sun.
You can't see it in this picture, but he was playing with a little John Deere rattle. I've decided to do his room in John Deere, and Ezra's room in Tonka Trucks. We bought Wyatt a few John Deere toys the other day, including a teething 'thing' that looks like an ear of corn, and vibrates when he bites it. He's not teething yet, but it was too cool not to get....

I probably should explain the title to this post. Farmer Tad was this great toy that Eric and Susan gave Ezra for Christmas last year. It has little farm animals that you can mix and match and it sings songs. Farmer Tad also plays his banjo. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over............................ After about thirty rounds of "Hi, I'm Farmer Tad! Listen to my banjo!" followed by She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain~ Farmer Tad makes me violent. After a year I'm still wondering why that one didn't come with a gift receipt, and if it would be rude to just come out and ask for one.

It's not the only toy that makes me violent though. My parents gave Ezra a little tractor that sings about "Here we go round the big red barn, the big red barn, the big red barn. Here we go round the big red barn so early in the morning"- over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.......................... We got revenge for that one though. We moved in with them while Ben was in Nebraska, and looking for a place here. Ha!


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the toy.When we were buying toys for our kids they didn't make noise. The toys now adays do. It would not hurt my feelings at all if it got lost in the move. When we were moving things just,I don't know, got lost. Blankies, binkies, noisey toys.

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