Saturday, January 13, 2007

Prozac Moment

Here we go again. I've been told I need to just start another blog, and abandon my attempt to convince anyone I'm sane.

We're not moving. I know, another change in plans. I think that the next time our plans change, I'm not telling anyone, until I've lived in the same place for a year and have no intention of moving. Ever. For any reason.

The house we were planning on moving into sold today. It was supposed to just be rented until it sold with the option of them pulling it off the market and continuing to rent to us if they chose to do so. Well, they didn't get the chance to rent it at all really.

Maybe God was saving us from killing our friends, because families shouldn't live together? Maybe 'The Force Is On Our Side', maybe it's just dumb luck, or maybe God was saving us from killing our friends, because families shouldn't live together........


Anonymous said...

good luck with what ever happens!!! things must be crazy right now I am in the process of trying to find a new place to live so I can kind of know what you are going through.

The Big Red Dogs said...

take it from a crazy lady, don't post anything on your blog until you've moved!