Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Year, New Adventures

We went to WA for new years. It was a fun trip, but much too short. I think everyone there wound up a little sad/irritated that we didn't spend more time with them. It's nice to be loved....

This was the begining of our trip, Ezra sleeping peacefully.

He had lots of fun playing with his Aunt Mimi(Amy) , and unfortunately this is about the extent of the pictures.

This was our trip back home. We win the award for 'Biggest Road Trip Idiots'. There were winter storm warnings and what-not in effect when we left, and we took off over three BIG passes anyway.
You can't see it very well, because it was 4:00am, and still dark, but that is a sign for a rest stop, and that is the snow about to cover it up. Hooray for being stupid. We reached a top speed of 43mph on this pass, and then didn't go over thirty for about 200 miles. That's a LONG day.

Ezra is good help with Wyatt. He won the 'Best Feeder Guy' award for the trip.

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