Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Frustration Level Is Rising

OK, so it's been a while since I've posted anything. That's because there is a picture of my brother and Wyatt that I've been trying to put on, and it won't load for some reason. I spend about twenty or thirty minutes fighting with my computer, it wins, I get frustrated and turn it off, and there is no post.

It's probably good that I can't get it on here, because every time I put text next to where I want the picture it winds up just sounding like a personal ad. He's all handsome and holding a baby, what's not to love?!

Anyway, it's a super cute picture of him holding Wyatt.

This will have to satisfy the picture craving for a while until I get inspired to ask for help (don't hold your breath).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!! I love seeing those smiling faces. Love you all bunches!!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. love the b&w.