Saturday, December 16, 2006

Our News

Well, a lot has happened recently, and I've not been great about updating this. Part of our big changes includes moving back to WA. The boys and I are going to be heading back for a few months until things are a little more stable with the RR. We've got a little duplex lined up and will be taking off the first of the year. It's not my favorite way to be going back, but I'm excited to be around family again. Most of our family in WA is pretty excited to be able to hang out with the boys and get to know them a little better too.

So that's the short sweet version, and I'm sure I'll get around to more details one of these days. I thought I'd at least mention that though, so maybe I'll get off easy for not blogging.....

There will be pictures eventually of boys and the tree. The tree is pretty comical really. Only the top three feet are decorated. Ezra enjoys taking off the ornaments, and Ellie can reach even higher than Ezra! I promise to get a picture of my half decorated tree on here eventually.

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