Saturday, July 21, 2007


bored, bor·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
to weary by dullness, tedious repetition, unwelcome attentions, etc.: The long speech bored me. –noun
a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person.
a cause of ennui or petty annoyance: repetitious tasks that are a bore to do.
[Origin: 1760–70; of uncert. orig.]
—Synonyms 1. fatigue, tire, annoy.
—Antonyms 1. amuse; thrill, enrapture.

It's one of those days....... I've never stayed in bed this much and well, I'm bored! I let Ezra hang out with me for a little while earlier but he doesn't really understand why I screamed when he accidentally kicked me in the stomach..... So, the boys are back downstairs and I'm hiding out in my room. I'm very glad Ben's got his laptop here, or I'd be going crazy.
Ben is going to let me go to the barn today, as long as I sit in my camping chair and just watch him clean stalls.... As long as it's getting me out of the house for a little while I'm okay with it! He's been taking very good care of me. Almost too good. He'd make a great bossy mom.... He's washed my hair for me twice, which means I lay on the counter with my head in the sink because I can't bend over... He even slept on the floor so he wouldn't jostle the bed and make me move unexpectedly. As well as bringing me ice cream he brings me Otter-Pops to put on my belly all night.... As much as I'm sleeping he's working. He's a little worried about what I'm going to do Monday, since the boys are so very active. We'll get it figured out I'm sure, and if we don't Debbie Mader said she'll be making me a bed at her house...

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