Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Guess what? Wyatt's still cute.
He's just getting to have so much personality... He gets embarrassed and wrinkles his little nose up, its so adorable. Wyatt is getting very good at grabbing hand fulls or hair, and pulling you in to give big, very wet kisses. It's really sweet, but Ezra doesn't quite get it yet, especially when Wyatt grabs an ear.... There's a bit of screaming, and then it's over. He's really good about not retaliating when this happens, and getting better at staying out of ear snatching reach.
Wyatt is thinking about crawling, but at this point it looks like too much work. Why work when you can sleep... I think he'll be chunky for a while.
Ezra is starting to talk a lot more, which as most of you know has been a bit of a concern for us, but it seems to be getting better. He says, Right Arm (when he's getting dressed), Cup, Momma, Night Night, FOOD!!!, EAT!!! (not surprising that he picked those two up if you know him at all...), Cracker, NO!, Hello, Bye, What's That?, and a few other things that aren't really words at all, but I know what he's trying to get at. Isn't that part of the job description?
He is also developing very strong likes and dislikes as far as music goes. This worries Ben a little, because one of his favorites is Ricky Martin's, Livin' La Vida Loca. It's a little embarrassing for me too really, because I have the song on my iPod, and that's how he knows it. I plug my iPod into the stereo and we rock out. I've got quite a variety of music, so he gets to hear lots of different stuff. I could spend a few minutes defending myself here, but I'll just say I like to run to that particular song, and leave it at that. I play it a lot more now, because it's so funny to watch a two year old dance like a maniac to Ricky Martin... Someday I'll be showing video of that to prospective girlfriends.... I love being the parent!
Don't worry, that's not the only song he likes, he's also a big fan of Gary Allan, Trent Willmon, Allison Krauss, and The Steve Miller Band. I like to think we haven't corrupted him yet.

1 comment:


I think a variaty in music is very important. MY kids were raised on many differant kinds. There was country, classical, soft rock, Blood sweat and tears, Barry manilow, Gospel Music. All kinds. Diversity in all things makes kids well rounded.