Have you ever heard that Bill Cosby bit about getting his tonsils out as a kid? The gist if it is that surgery is worth it, because you get to eat all the ice cream you want when you're done.
I've eaten nothing but strawberry milkshake since yesterday. Yep, I had surgery! One of my goals in life was to never have surgery. That got blown out of the water yesterday. I started having a horrible pain in my lower right quadrant about 11:30 and by 2:00 was at the hospital. Debbie Mader, who is boarding my horse, took me to the hospital and her daughter Jamie watched the boys. We joked that they board horses and boys....
Ben was about 4 hours away when I decided to go to the hospital, and by the time he got there they were making the decision to take me to the OR. Fortunately I was only in surgery for about 25 minutes and everything went really well. My appendix was about three times the size it should have been, and they were able to take it out with no problems. I was out of surgery by ten after six and headed home by nine. Not exactly what I'd had planned for my day, but it is a good thing that things went like they did. We were talking last night about how in a round about and very direct way (as contradicting as that sounds) my horse probably saved my life. Had we chosen a different barn to keep him at, or not had him here at all we wouldn't have met the Mader family, I would have stayed home thinking I had a case of really bad gas! They are a wonderful family and we are VERY thankful that they were put in our path.
That said- Disclaimer: I've had a LOT of pain killers and if this doesn't make much sense, you can file a formal complaint with my manager- Ben.
I hope you recover well and DO eat all the ice cream you want...you deserve it!
I am sorry you are going through this...but sounds like Ben is helping out and things will get back to normal soon enough! Wish you were closer to "home" so there would be more help for you when Ben goes back to work...know that we are praying for you and Ben and the boys...and definately EAT ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON!!!!
the only knock knock joke I know is
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Madam who?
Madam foot is stuck in the door!
sorry...it's all I have for now!
love to all of you
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