Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Greatest Uncle In All the World. And Some Vomit.

I've been slacking and haven't posted since I've been back until now. It was an interesting and smelly trip back from Spokane. This adorible little boy here in these pictures (Ezra, not the other hottie) puked for about 600 miles of our 789 mile trip. The poor kid hates to be sticky and dirty, so on top of feeling yucky, he was covered in it. So, being the good mom that I am, I changed his clothes. On the side of the road in the rain. He wasn't a big fan of being cold and wet, but was even less a fan of wearing his breakfast.

These pictures are from the afternoon he and Wyatt spent with their Uncle Levi. They played outside and ate cookies until he was just worn out. They were WAY too cute not to take pictures.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm In Spokane for a visit, and typical me, am snooping in my mom's pictures.

This is Ezra barely over a year ago. He was hanging out on the treadmill with my mom, and being very cute doing it.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Packing 101

Packing Tip 37: Don't forget the kids.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Wyatt wakes up happy, and you can't wake up cranky if that little face is next to you.

Cleavage on my nine month old....

This was Wyatt and Ben's exciting Easter morning.

Super Sitter Guy

I'm just at a loss for words. He's so cute....... He's started to be able to sit up on his own for a while, and likes it.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Hunt Is On

This was Ezra's first year as an active participant in Easter 'festivities'. We hid eggs in the house for him, because it was about 20 degrees this morning, with the threat of snow. He dropped the first egg he found, which popped open, revealing candy! Great incentive to keep looking!!! It was hard to keep him looking for the eggs, and not just sitting down to eat what was inside before continuing the hunt.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hello. Hi.

Ben and I (yes, together, it was NOT entirely my fault this time) broke the garbage disposal. So Ezra helped him fix it. Alright, maybe it wasn't so much help as comic relief. Have you ever heard someone have a 20 minute conversation with a ratchet? It's amusing, trust me.

Sticky Buns

I made cinnamon rolls the other day, and Ezra seems to be a BIG fan.

Good Boy

So I still want a puppy, and since I can't have one here, I'm teaching Ezra tricks.